Amazing 3D Paintings You Won’t Believe Your Eyes

By InPrint Magazine Blog, June 14, 2014

2D or not 2D are the second series made by photographer Alexander Khokhlov and make-up artist Valeriya Kutsan. The team was increased with Veronica Ershova who had leaded the process of retouching and post-production.

This time the authors were inspired by two-dimensional posters. The key-idea of the project was to turn the models faces into the 2D images. Valeriya used different techniques of face painting so you can see a lot of variations – from sketch and graphic arts to water-color and oil-paintings. This is a combination of interesting make-ups, studio photography experiments and careful retouching.

2D or not 2D

2D or not 2D

2D or not 2D

2D or not 2D

2D or not 2D

2D or not 2D

2D or not 2D

2D or not 2D

2D or not 2D

2D or not 2D