June 14, 2014
2D or not 2D are the second series made by photographer Alexander Khokhlov and make-up artist Valeriya Kutsan. The team was increased with Veronica Ershova who had leaded the process of retouching and post-production. This time the authors were inspired by two-dimensional posters. The key-idea of the project was to turn the models faces into the 2D […]
February 14, 2014
While advertising is beginning to be challenged (anti-pubs, about the suppression of advertising on public channels …), it is an excellent medium of communication, especially if it is well integrated into our urban environment! Nowadays electronics devices play a crucial role in our live , beginning from gaming devices, televisions, computers, car batteries, digital cameras, […]
October 4, 2013
These days, we’re being constantly bombarded by advertising. Whether you’re sat at home on your computer, watching TV or out-and-about, chances are that hundreds of products and services are being thrown in your face and often, without you really realizing. In fact, there’s so much advertising out there that most of us are somewhat immune […]
February 25, 2013
Posted on February 25, 2013 Great series of creative and powerful ads…
February 16, 2013
Advertisement doesn’t have a second chance to make a first impression. They should be well thought out and catchy enough to influence the viewer’s opinion. Designing print ads is more demanding than some may think since there is no direct communication with the target audience. Body art is one of the challenging tasks, but it […]
February 12, 2013
A great way to gain exposure for your product or service is to advertise at bus stops. People have to wait until the bus arrives and do not have too much to do besides waiting. But also drivers and pedestrians get attracted by bus stop advertisements. 1. Ikea 2. Ikea 3. Australian Post: Stamp […]