Most Influential Public Awareness Ads with Spark of Creativity

By InPrint Magazine Blog, December 5, 2013

World and life, these are two coexisting realities, or are they? As time paces forward, so is the distance between the world and life. Many destructive wars have marked history as worst life threatening incidences. But today’s world is at war from within, invisible and life is under graver threats than ever before. Life today is miles away from safety, respect and value.



Thai Health Promotion Foundation Road Safety

Thai Health Promotion Foundation Road Safety

Toronto Crime Stoppers: Hoodie

Toronto Crime Stoppers: Hoodie

Ondazul: Tyre

Ondazul: Tyre

Fundacion Padre Hurtado: Drunk

Fundacion Padre Hurtado: Drunk

Dublin City Council Anti-Littering Campaign: Butts Are Litter Too

Dublin City Council Anti-Littering Campaign: Butts Are Litter Too

Alzheimer’s New Zealand: Eraser USB stick

Alzheimer's New Zealand: Eraser USB stick

Agbar: Desert

Agbar: Desert

Nobilin: Target Heavy Food

Nobilin: Target Heavy Food

Schizophrenia awareness: Mirror

Schizophrenia awareness: Mirror

WWF: Lungs

WWF: Lungs

Anything To Anywhere

Anything To Anywhere

Amnesty International: Street beating

Amnesty International: Street beating

Surfrider Foundation: Fossil, Bottle

Surfrider Foundation: Fossil, Bottle

France Adot: Old woman

France Adot: Old woman

Unicef: Haïti School Project

Unicef: Haïti School Project

Animal Anti-Cruelty League: Ball

Animal Anti-Cruelty League: Ball

Stop Killing

Stop Killing

Let Money

Let Money



Samusocial: Asphaltisation, 2

Samusocial: Asphaltisation, 2

Asthma Can Attack You Anywhere

Asthma Can Attack You Anywhere