April 25, 2014
Six Flags Jazzland – New Orleans, Louisiana Severely damaged by Hurricane Katrina, Six Flags Jazzland was never reopened. Pripyat, Ukraine Pripyat, a city of 50,000 was totally abandoned after Chernobyl in 1986. Farmhouse – Seneca Lake, New York Mirny Diamond Mine – Eastern Siberia, Russia. Willard Asylum – Willard, New York Willard Asylum for the […]
April 4, 2014
When people start a new business they want a logo to start their road to success. That’s only one step, albeit in the right direction but as it takes two legs, working together to move forward, a logo has to be tied into your business branding. There are many discussions on a logo vs. a […]
March 30, 2014
Any successful web design agency, studio, or independent freelancer has started from the beginning at step #1. It’s not an easy road to build up your own skills and develop websites from scratch. But in doing so you can learn powerful lessons about development & project management, not to mention working in a team setting […]
March 15, 2014
Instagram continues to pave the way for innovative artists like graphic designer Javier Pérez, who regularly adds to his playful series entitled Instagram Experiments. Using a variety of everyday objects combined with simple line drawings, the Ecuador-based artist constructs whimsical scenes in all shapes and sizes. From a still life of lungs to adventures in […]
February 14, 2014
While advertising is beginning to be challenged (anti-pubs, about the suppression of advertising on public channels …), it is an excellent medium of communication, especially if it is well integrated into our urban environment! Nowadays electronics devices play a crucial role in our live , beginning from gaming devices, televisions, computers, car batteries, digital cameras, […]
November 18, 2013
Sagaki Keita is a Japanese artist who has created these amazing drawings. Keita relates his works to the concept of “whole and part” wherein all things are composed of a whole and part. For example, A human is a “whole”, composed of trillions of cells but is also a “part”, as a person is part […]
November 5, 2013
3D Street Art is in fact 2-dimensional. It’s only when you see the artwork from a specific angle it becomes an illusion and it feels like it’s 3D. If you were to stand anywhere but not in the exact right angle the artwork would become hard to understand and give no meaning to its existence. […]
October 26, 2013
Fermin Guerrero was born in Uruguay, in 1983. in 2009, he finished his bachelor in industrial design at Centro-de-Diseno industrial in Uruguay. Nowadays, he is living in Switzerland, where he studies visual communication at the haute HAUTE ECOLE D’ART ET DE DESIGN -Genève. His curiosity has led him to move to Europe in the quest […]
October 14, 2013
There are a great many benefits to working from home, including flexibility of working hours, taking unscheduled days off, waving goodbye to working in formal business wear and spending more quality time with the family. However, working from home can also produce challenges, including reduced creativity. Image source: Flickr Many freelancers find that when they […]
October 4, 2013
These days, we’re being constantly bombarded by advertising. Whether you’re sat at home on your computer, watching TV or out-and-about, chances are that hundreds of products and services are being thrown in your face and often, without you really realizing. In fact, there’s so much advertising out there that most of us are somewhat immune […]